Thursday, August 2, 2012

Backyard Fun

Over the weekend the kids had their lunch outside on the deck again, but the sun was a little harsh at the big patio table. 

Watching the kids eat (yup, roll-ups again) sitting on this bench, I thought of this picture of my brother and me back in...does that say "July 1981"?  Wow.

Mike was working on some projects in the garage, so I snatched his iPhone and attempted to capture the sentimental cuteness.

Two smiling at the same moment?

Nope.  Mostly just chewing...

...and a high five...

...and a fist bump...

...and an E.T.

I love Michael's sweet face in the one above and the one below.

As they played I got a little fixated on the summertime perfection that is Sophie in pigtails and a sundress.

I usually try to brush my girl's bangs to the side a bit whenever she's in arm's reach, but after playing around they tend to fall forward and mine (see 1981).

(Check out Michael's kissy face under Soph's pigtail below.)

My motto lately is that I'm cool with the kitchen project taking all summer as long as it doesn't take all summer.  I don't want making time for kitchen stuff to make us miss out on anything this summer has to offer our little family.  As badly as Mike just wants to knock the last bits out of this work, he's on the same page.  If he needs to take a break from cutting trim to blow up a pool (a gift from a family friend who bought it for a party and passed it on) or put together a picnic table (a birthday gift for the kids from Mike's parents), he's all about it.  So that's what he did while the kids and I went for a walk around the neighborhood, ate lunch, and I played paparazzi.

You can hear Michael say "Papa" at the start of this video.  He was talking about getting the table from Grammie and Grandpa.

They enjoyed the pool with water later on that day...

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