Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lunch Al Fresco

After getting home from running some errands on Friday morning, I took Sophie out of her car seat and sent her to our deck where she always waits for Michael and me to join her.  When we got to her, she was sitting in this chair giggling away, proud of herself for sneaking back there and climbing up on her own.   The weather was right, so I took that as a cue to eat lunch outside. It's one of my favorite summer activities, and seeing how well the kids fit in these chairs now, I can't believe I waited so long!

I serve the kids a lot of tortilla roll-ups.  Friday's had slices of fresh avacado and cheese.

Above is a garage sale find from our morning adventure (the color in the photo below is more accurate).  I paid the $10 that's there on the sticker.  With two toddlers nearing lunch and nap time alternating between trying to break free from holding my hand and clinging for dear life to my legs, I was in no position to barter.  For a little set like that, that's not too ridiculous, right?  I really love them, and after browsing similar melamine pieces on ebay, I feel a little better about what I paid.  

Both kids, as is typical, unrolled their tortillas, ate just the cheese slices, and then requested more.  Instead of a thin slice of muenster, I put a thicker slice of provolone in on the second round.  Michael wasn't thrilled with the change, as you can see above. 

Here he is saying "Cheese!" but not in the happy picture-taking way, despite the word doing its job and creating a fake smile.  It was actually a warning that a bite of provolone was about to be spit onto his plate!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 200! I can't believe it...I think I've read them all! Here's to many more!


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