Sunday, January 5, 2014

Little Minnows

Swim Lesson

Michael and Sophie had their first swim lesson today!

We never did parent-and-child classes (seemed like a risky commitment with twins--what if one parent is sick or out of town?), but we tried to make up for that over the years with visits to our old recreation center's pool and swimming on vacations.  Still, this is a preschool level class at a pool they had never been to, with instructors they had never met before today, and with no parent participation to ease the inevitable nerves.  They did quite well all things considered.

As all the kids were sorted into groups outside the pool based on experience, Sophie started to cry a little.  I tried not to be a total helicopter and stepped up just to remind Sophie that we were still there watching and to ask what the instructors would prefer me to do.  One asked that I just walk Sophie over to the zero-entry space where the lesson would begin, and the rest of the group would meet us there.  Once the two teachers and Michael were there and sitting in the water (Michael and Sophie are the only Minnows--rock on, private lessons!), Sophie walked right up to join in and was a champ the rest of the time.  Soon after that Michael chose not to roll onto his belly and blow bubbles as instructed, but he seemed to be just testing out how much choice he had and participated fully in the rest of the lesson.

Mike and I got a kick out of watching the kids kick their feet in the water, jump off the side of the pool into the instructors' arms (so brave!), swim with barbell floaters, and collect rings from the bottom of the pool.  Michael and Sophie are just crazy cute kids, if I do say so myself, and a little distance seems to make that even more obvious.  It was also clear that both kids were having a blast and should be thrilled to go again next week.

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