Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wow, that actually worked.

Blog Greeting Card
What you see above is something I had previously put in the category of Things That Might Never Happen, a family portrait in which all four of us are looking at the camera with happy-ish expressions, a photo that I took all by myself!
Yes, I'm pretty much just bragging right now. 
I fancied this one up with the text at following The Naptime Decorator's tip on Facebook about making your own Christmas cards.  I ended up using a different photo for our actual holiday card, one of just the kids (Sophie's hair is a little weird here and Mike doesn't totally look like himself), but I am thrilled to have a family portrait.  And it was FREE!  I'm still having a hard time re-filing this into the It Actually Did Happen category.
To get the shot we went to the same local park where I took those pictures of the kids with Sophie in the dress my grandma made.  The main intention was to get a few photos of just them again, but I did bring along my tripod with a family portrait in the back of my mind.  I don't have a remote shutter release, so this (and a handful of other decent ones) was taken the old fashioned way, setting the timer, running to scoop up a kiddo and crouch.  Perhaps that excitement is what kept Sophie and Michael's interest, but I did just put a remote shutter release on my Christmas list. ;)
(I also recently gave in and started uploading my photos to Flickr first and using the HTML code to share them here.  The post before this one was the first of that kind.  I've been getting pretty annoyed with how fuzzy so many of my photos look when I upload them here directly.  I'm not too proud to share an out of focus image here if the cuteness trumps it, but if I did manage to focus properly, I want it to look that way!)

Well, readers of this blog don't comment much, but the stats show I'm not just talking to myself here.  :)  Thank you for taking an interest in our little adventures, and we really do wish you a lovely holiday season!


  1. It came out great! I actually do have a remote shutter release (got it last year for Christmas) and I keep forgetting to use it! Duh, now we can actually have a family picture! (Of course, I've already done the Christmas cards with just the boys...ah well...)

  2. Despite my lack of comment-age, I love reading about your adventures :)
    Beautiful family photo... Mad props!

  3. This is a FABULOUS picture! Even better, you look fabulous!

  4. I also read them ALL the time!! It's a great way to keep up to date. I have laughed and cried (joyful tears) many times over the last few years. I'm setting Grandma L. up with an iPad so she can follow also. She does enjoy looking at the pictures and reading all you have to say.


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