I adore their teensiness, can't imagine them growing any faster, and am learning not to go into a minor mommy panic everytime I see other kids their age who are taller, chubbier, and who even refer to Michael and Sophie as "babies" themselves. My toddlers are reaching milestones appropriately, eat like champs, and the pediatrician is not at all concerned, so I remind myself not to be.
One benefit of Sophie and Michael's small physiques is the longevity they've given our infant car seats and accessories. We used the Baby Trend Double Snap N Go Stroller
We'll keep using the Graco Snugride 35's until Michael and Sophie reach the height or weight limits of 32 inches or 35 pounds. However, we no longer use them as carriers and are just going to keep these seats in the Jetta like convertible seats once I go back to work. They'll be replaced in the minivan with our recently purchased Britax Boulevard 70 CS Convertible Car Seats,
enormous beasts of safety ($255 on Albee.com--a great deal compared to $329 at BRU). Perhaps we'll go with something more compact for the Jetta once Michael and Sophie outgrow the Snugrides, but we'll see.
Regardless of what we choose for our second set of convertibles, this new phase of carseatdom is likely to cost us over $1,000 for four of them. And we need four since Mike drops off at the child care center and I pick up. Of course, when you consider the purpose of these seats, one can't help but be reminded that no expense is too big to help ensure the safety of our teeny, tiny cargo. It's amazing they don't charge more with that kind of leverage.
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