Monday, December 13, 2010

Where's Sophie?

Michael and Sophie have been enjoying blanket time lately. We all play under one like a tent, and they giggle the whole time. Just bringing a blanket out to play with makes them smile with anticipation.

After playing like that a couple of days ago, I noticed Sophie lifting the blanket up covering her face as if she was trying to build our little fort by herself. After repeating "Where's Sophie?" a few times and saying "Peek-a-boo!" every time she showed her face again, we had a new game. Maybe I'm a little biased, but this struck me as pretty smart and independent of her!

She and Michael both tend to freeze up when they spot the camera, so I had to sneak up on her to catch this on video.

Michael has been a milestone maniac lately, scooting on his belly, getting into a sitting position from laying down, pulling himself up on furniture to standing, and now crawling! I haven't caught these tricks on video yet. I have to work on my sneakiness!

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