While I would love to go nuts with some new house details, I'm going to wait until all is official. For now I'll say the ball is rolling and all signs point to us moving into a bigger house...just as school starts back up again. If you don't see a post between this one and Michael and Sophie trick-or-treating in the new neighborhood, you'll know why. Most likely, though, I'll need this outlet in the coming weeks!
While I'm certainly thrilled that this change we've been preparing for over the last few years is on its way, that nagging voice that always accompanies major decisions
after the fact is hard at work in my brain. "Wait, why are you doing this? You're taking another financial risk on
real estate? Didn't you learn anything? Give me one good reason why you need a bigger house."
Michael and Sophie have been kind enough to provide a response:
Big kid beds are overdue, and that change would shrink this house considerably.
Michael requested to sleep on the floor one night. He did so without any waking during the night and woke in the morning as happy and well-rested as ever, so we've continued to let him camp out. Sophie is into it now as well, just a little goofier at the start of bed and nap times. She's learning to handle the freedom, though.
Mike and I are hopeful that this is the start of a smooth transition, so we have supported the change (and their little backs) by moving the mattresses to the floor.
It appears that the cribs are on their way out, which is certainly a sentimental milestone. Bye-bye, babies.
And, yes, I know what you're wondering. The new house has four bedrooms, so we have options. However, we're only taking on one major life decision at a time!