Monday, January 12, 2015


I stayed at work to get caught up on some grading and to make some phone calls home.  I left an hour later than normal.

The roads on the way to pick up the kids were pleasantly not as congested as they often are when I leave late.  I made good time getting to them.

However, there was an accident on the highway on the last stretch of our drive, so the kids and I spent some quality time in the ol' minivan.  I didn't mind it.  We have good talks there.


I assure you that this picture was taken when we were at a complete stop.  Although I don't feel anyone's life was in danger, I did sense that I was crossing a line by taking this from the driver's seat. I took this super fast, put my phone away, and hoped to get something more than this snapshot at home.  I didn't.

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