Monday, July 8, 2013

Love the house you're with

This is a good house.  We're going to love the crap out of it if we have to.  Mike and I aren't letting the "hopefully we'll be moving soon" inner dialogue stop us from continuing to fix up this place.   For example:


Isn't she gorgeous?

At around 10:30 AM yesterday morning, with no plans for the rest of that Sunday, I suggested we do a little organizing.


A trip to Costco, and an afternoon/evening spent emptying, sweeping, sweating, and organizing later, and kabaam!


Soooo pretty.  Today is our 7th anniversary, so (in addition to a small family vacation next week), I'm considering the time, money, and effort we put into this organized garage a lovely gift to and from ourselves, a celebration of the home and family we have built.

As is typical, I neglected to take "before" pictures.  Basically all the stuff on the left side was balanced on the workbench which used to be along the wall on the right.


I reminded Mike once again that I may seem difficult a lot of the time, but I'm really quite easy to please.  I'm totally on an organization high right now!


We have a 2.5 car garage, and above is the .5.  Mike plans to extend the rake/shovel hanger system to spread it all out more.  We hung the kids' shovels and rakes similarly.


I'm not sure what these hooks are called or where or when we got them...just one of those things my husband has around.

Like bike hooks...

Garage-19  Garage-16

...and coffee cans.


I was happy to discover that Kroger brand coffee labels come off pretty easily to reveal silver cardboard.  And yes, we drink generic coffee most of the time.

Mike and I are in a constant push and pull between his hoarding and my purging and organizing tendencies.  Again, what better way to celebrate us than to make the most of that?


I am now going to park on the right-hand side so that when I'm home with Michael and Sophie, they will really only have access to their stuff.


We thinned out our yard and gardening gear (top shelves) and automotive supplies (bottom shelves) before putting it all back in.


This corner houses a freezer (not using it yet), bins of camping gear and sports equipment (labeled with my label maker--love that thing), and extra outdoor chairs, tables, and cushions.  Grilling supplies are just to the left.  Under the workbench are the big planters that made the cut.  Many small flower pots did not.


We'll have a pretty big garbage pile by the curb this week, and we still need to make some trips to our recycling center (see stuff on the workbench), Salvation Army, and some consignment shops to wrap up the job, but I think we rocked this.


Thankfully the kids' naptime, their water table, and a visit from my parents kept them occupied for most of the process.

Inside I'm loving the house we're "with" a bit as well.  One of the diversions for the kids yesterday was to help me get that herb wall up and running for the summer.


We still have the photos up from their birthday in April.  I'll probably swap them out for the records again eventually.  I've just really enjoyed their little faces there.

The basement storage room, craft area, memento storage, and big kid beds/rooms are other projects getting attention little-by-little, naptime-by-naptime.  At the risk of jinxing the slim chances we have by admitting this out loud, we're thinking of these projects as pre-packing efforts.  Our organized stuff will transfer more smoothly to another house should another house come along.  ;-)

In the meantime, we'll probably keep that garage door open more. The view from the kitchen has improved.


Organizing Made Fun

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